Key Legend
* Dataset available upon request
♦ Data not currently available but will be available in the future
PDF: linking directly to the data point
: Story of Inequity website: Will require searching to find data
: California Tobacco Facts and Figures
Tobacco Product Use
Adult Current Cigarette Use
(California Health Interview Survey)
Youth Current Cigarette Use
(California Student Tobacco Survey)
Adult Current Overall Tobacco Use
(Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System)
Youth Current Overall Tobacco Use (California Student Tobacco Survey)
Youth Current Electronic Smoking Device Use (California Student Tobacco Survey)
Adult Current Flavored Tobacco Use* (California Health Interview Survey/Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System)
Youth Current Flavored Tobacco Use (California Student Tobacco Survey)
Adult Current Menthol Cigarette Use* (Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System/California Health Interview Survey)
Youth Current Menthol Cigarette Use* (California Student Tobacco Survey)
Youth Susceptibility to Smoke Cigarettes* (California Student Tobacco Survey)
Secondhand Smoke
Adults with Smoke-Free Homes
(Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System)
Youth Who have Rules about Smoking/Vaping Inside their Home* (California Student Tobacco Survey)
Secondhand Smoking Exposure* (Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System/California Health Interview Survey/Online California Adults Tobacco Survey)
Youth SHS Exposure in Car/room* (California Student Tobacco Survey)
Support for Smoke-free Indian Casinos* (Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System/ Online California Adults Tobacco Survey)
Population Protected by Smoke-Free MUH Policies
(Policy Evaluation Tracking System)
Population Protected by outdoor SHS Policies* (Policy Evaluation Tracking System)
Attitudes and Awareness
Social Norms, Attitudes, Perceptions and Knowledge about Tobacco♦ [Est. June 2021]
Awareness of Flavored Tobacco Issues* (Online California Adults Tobacco Survey)
Awareness of Youth Susceptibility to Addiction* (Online California Adults Tobacco Survey)
Awareness of Addictiveness of Vaping Products* (Online California Adults Tobacco Survey)
Awareness of Tobacco Advertising Issues* (Online California Adults Tobacco Survey)
Attitudes Regarding Secondhand Smoke* (Online California Adults Tobacco Survey)
Support for Smoke-free Policies* (Online California Adults Tobacco Survey)
Support for Retail-related Policies* (Online California Adults Tobacco Survey)
Support for Restrictions on Cigarette Sales* (Online California Adults Tobacco Survey)
Support for Flavor and Menthol Regulations* (Online California Adults Tobacco Survey)
Awareness and Attitudes about Flavored Tobacco (Qualitative Focus Groups) [American Lung Association in California]
Awareness and Attitudes about TRL, OSHS, MUH (Polling Results) [American Lung Association in California]
Community Engagement, Readiness, Facilitators, Barriers, Partnerships, Attitudes♦ [Est. June 2021]
Cigarette Smoking Quit Attempts
(California Health Interview Survey)
Smokers' Helpline Enrollees
(Smokers' Helpline Report)
Receiving Doctor Advice to Quit
(Online California Adults Tobacco Survey)
Quit Intentions* (California Health Interview Survey)
Use of NRT to Quit* (California Health Interview Survey)
Youth ESD Quit Intentions* (California Student Tobacco Survey)
Youth Any Tobacco Quit Intentions* (California Student Tobacco Survey)
Retail Access/Marketing
Cheapest Pack of Cigarettes Price
(Healthy Stores for a Healthy Community)
Single Flavored Cigarillo Price
(Healthy Stores for a Healthy Community)
Stores Selling Flavored Tobacco
(Healthy Stores for a Healthy Community)
Stores Selling Menthol CIgarettes
(Healthy Stores for a Healthy Community)
Storefront Advertising
(Healthy Stores for a Healthy Community)
Stores Selling Other Tobacco Products (ESDs, Cigarillos, chew, hookah, etc.) (Healthy Stores for a Healthy Community)
Stores with Price Promotions for Tobacco* (Healthy Stores for a Healthy Community)
Stores Selling Small Package of Cigarillos* (Healthy Stores for a Healthy Community)
Stores with Tobacco Near Kid-Friendly Items* (Healthy Stores for a Healthy Community)
Stores Selling Pod Mods♦ (Healthy Stores for a Healthy Community) [Est. Spring 2020]
Tobacco Retailer Density
(California Department of Tax and Fee Administration)
Population Protected by Strong TRL Policies
(Policy Evaluation Tracking System)
Use of Coupons/Price of Promotions* (Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System/Online California Adults Tobacco Survey)