Mental Health

People with Mental health Challenges

Key Legend

*  Dataset available upon request  

♦ Data not currently available but will be available in the future

pdfPDF: linking directly to the data point

 web: Story of Inequity website: Will require searching to find data

bar: California Tobacco Facts and Figures

Tobacco Product Use

Adult Current Cigarette Use pdf web bar (California Health Interview Survey)

Adult Current Overall Tobacco Use pdf web  (Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System)

Adult Current Flavored Tobacco Use* (California Health Interview Survey/Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System)

Adult Current Menthol Cigarette Use* (Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System/California Health Interview Survey)


Secondhand Smoke

Adults with Smoke-Free Homes pdf web (Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System)

Secondhand Smoking Exposure* (Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System/California Health Interview Survey/Online California Adults Tobacco Survey)

Support for Smoke-free Indian Casinos*  (Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System/ Online California Adults Tobacco Survey)



Cigarette Smoking Quit Attempts pdf web(California Health Interview Survey)**

Smokers' Helpline Enrollees pdf web(Smokers' Helpline Report)

Quit Intentions* (California Health Interview Survey)

Use of NRT to Quit* (California Health Interview Survey)

Youth ESD Quit Intentions* (California Student Tobacco Survey)

Youth Any Tobacco Quit Intentions* (California Student Tobacco Survey)