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Get help with your FERs and BERs!

We've got exciting news for all you FER and BER authors out there!

The TCEC team is now able to review and provide feedback on how to improve your FERs and BERs before you submit them.  Instead of getting comments and scores months later, we want you to be able to get guidance and support to improve your reports now.  Talk about making evaluation useful!   

The Ghost of Evaluation Past

After a long absence, TCEC is excited to return to providing in-person regional trainings in 2025!

What are regional trainings? 

They're a chance for folks working in California tobacco prevention to come together in person for a daylong deep dive into an area of evaluation that impacts your work. (And don't worry, we provide plenty of food!)

The last time the TCEC team was able to hit the road and bring our evaluation expertise to your community was 2019— what feels like an eternity ago.

Reporting for the Future

Have you heard the phrase, “An organization is only as good as its people?”

It’s true that the passionate and dedicated agency staff of California’s tobacco prevention projects are what drive the success of these programs. However, when these team members move on to new projects, jobs, or life paths, what happens to the program’s progress?

Many project directors and new agency staff can tell you—it’s difficult to continually start from square one! Staff turnover is a common challenge for both local lead agencies and competitive grantees working in tobacco prevention. 

Two for the Price of... Two?

Here at TCEC, we often get questions about writing up results in reports. And most of these questions center around that pesky word: Requirements.

What am I required to do?

What are we required to include?

And of course this makes sense, as we all have deliverables we are bound to submit. (For more guidance on reporting requirements, see TCEC's page on Reporting Results.)

Fall Back!

Daylight saving time is coming to a close here in California. When we were younger, my brother would call POP-CORN, which was a phone service that you could call and hear the correct time. Did you ever do that? He would call POP-CORN right before the time change, and the automated message would answer, “At the tone, Pacific Daylight Time will be…1:59 and 50 seconds.” Then 10 seconds later the chime would say, “Pacific Standard Time will be 1:00 exactly.”  

Wave 2 of ECTC is in the Books!

The 2024 Olympics may be starting in a few weeks, but California’s Local Lead Agencies (LLAs) have been racing against the clock to complete their ECTC Data Collection in time. We are excited to declare that LLAs medaled in all four events— stores, parks, sidewalks, and MUH! 

AI in Evaluation: Where Do You Stand?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is not a new concept; if you’ve ever used a program that checks your spelling and grammar, you’ve used a form of AI! However, the release of products like ChatGPT has kicked off a boom in AI technology, and it is growing more sophisticated every day. 

So how does this AI boom affect our work in tobacco control evaluation? I took a deep dive into the topic to find out!

How'd We Do That?

Once an intervention or evaluation activity is over, it can be important for those involved (project staff and volunteers) to reflect on what happened and discuss what worked, where there is room for improvement, and what any next steps should be. (See documenting organizational history.) Depending on how complex the activity was, this process could be fairly quick – anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour or two.

See You on the Other Side of the Contract!


I joined TCEC in March of 2013, and here I am in April 2024 writing a newsletter article looking back at my 11 years with TCEC. It is a challenge to come up with a summary that does the time I have spent with TCEC justice. I don’t say that as a boast of myself, but I have been part of an amazing team that has managed to do so much. I have had the great fortune of working with great people, to work with a team that made my time at TCEC feel less like work, and more like a group of friends tossing ideas and coming up with creative content.

The Evaluators are Listening...

What's the point of giving feedback, anyway? Will my comments actually change anything? 

If you've interacted with the Tobacco Control Evaluation Center at any point, you've undoubtedly received requests for feedback— whether on a training, a webinar, or how satisfied you were with our technical assistance.

Get a Head Start with Data Collection Instruments

When you need to collect data, how do you know what’s important to ask? Do you brainstorm a list of questions? Or do you dust off an instrument your project has used in the past? If you wonder about that, the Tobacco Control Evaluation Center (TCEC) has an array of tools that can help!

It's Not Farewell, It's See You Later!

TCEC has been my family for almost 6 years, and I’m sad to announce that we're parting ways. I started at TCEC in 2017 as an undergraduate research assistant.  What began as a part-time gig doing data entry and file management evolved into more than what I could have ever imagined. Through these years, I graduated with a B.S. in Statistics, earned a Master's degree in Public Health, and stayed on as a full-time associate with TCEC.