Our recorded webinars are posted here once the webinar is complete. For upcoming webinars and trainings, please see the Upcoming Events page.
- February: FERs, BERs, and Interim Reports? Oh My!
- December: Ruh-roh! The Case of the Missing Activity Record Summary
- January: Says Who? Asking Demographic Questions
- October: Intro to CTPP-Funded Evaluation
- September: TCEC Office Hours (Part 2)
- August:
- May: Disseminating & Sharing Evaluation Results
- April: Qualitative Data 101
- March: Evaluation Reporting
- November: Data Visualization in Microsoft Excel
- October: TCEC's Instrument Essentials
- September: Find the Stories in Your Data— Creating Data Visualization
- July: Data Analysis in Excel (Part 1)
- January: Policy Record Review (PRR)
- October: Pitfalls in Evaluation series
- April: Releasing the New Evaluation Guide!
- February: Key Informant Interviews for LLA 6-Month Extension
- November: Turn Your CX Process into a Data Party!
- October: Introduction to Evaluation for Tribal Grantees
- June:
- May: Coalitions and Evaluation
- April: Media Activity Records (Evaluation Activities for Non-Evaluators)
- February:
- October: Accessing Priority Population Data
- May: Say What You Mean
- April: Evaluation for Everyone: Creating Accessible Documents
- March: Gaining Insights from Statistics in Evaluation
- October: End Game: Applying End-use Strategizing to Evaluation Planning
- September:
- June: Media Evaluation
- April: Expand Your Evaluation Team
- December: Dear Diary
- August: Navigating the IE EE Relationship
- June: TYS Conclusions Recommendations and Abstracts
- May:
- April: Changing How to Tell Your Story
- November: Plan Writing Webinar
- September: Categorical Data Analysis and Reporting
- May: Pilot Testing Webinar
- April: Cultural Competency in Evaluation Working with Retailers and Other Businesses
- February: Evaluating Education and Training Activities
- January:
- December: ARCGIS
- November: Writing Evaluation Activities in Progress Reports
- October: Reviewing Policy Records
- September: Media Activity Records
- June: Applying Cultural Competence to Evaluation
- March: Designing Online and Mobile Surveys
- February: Elements of Good Survey Design
- November: Coalition Asset Mapping
- September: Measuring Change Over Time
- July: Photovoice
- May:
- November: Developing Eval Plans
- October: Retail Data for CX
- September: Selecting a Good Evaluator