Now Available: QuaranTEAMing Round 2 recording

On Thursday, June 25, TCEC facilitated the second of two group TA sessions with our partners around the state to discuss the challenges and resources for conducting evaluation activities during the shelter in place and COVID-19 environment.  Together we shared some tips and support to help get through this together.  

Evaluation QuaranTEAMing Part 2

We had so much fun, we're doing another round! We've got two more fun games to play while we discuss the challenges and resources for conducting evaluation activities during the shelter in place and COVID-19 environment. We'll share some tips, thoughts, and support to help get through this together. Bring your questions and ideas! Register in advance for this meeting:… After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Now Available: Evaluation QuaranTEAMing recording

On Thursday, June 4, TCEC facilitated a group TA session with our partners around the state to discuss the challenges and resources for conducting evaluation activities during the shelter in place and COVID-19 environment.  Together we shared some tips and support to help get through this together.