The Ghost of Evaluation Past
Reflecting on TCEC's Regional Trainings
After a long absence, TCEC is excited to return to providing in-person regional trainings in 2025!
What are regional trainings?
They're a chance for folks working in California tobacco prevention to come together in person for a daylong deep dive into an area of evaluation that impacts your work. (And don't worry, we provide plenty of food!)
The last time the TCEC team was able to hit the road and bring our evaluation expertise to your community was 2019— what feels like an eternity ago.
While we can talk about all things evaluation for hours, the purpose of these trainings is really to help you, our partners throughout the state, get the information you need, so if there's an area of evaluation you want to learn more about, be sure to let us know!
If you've never joined us for an in-person training, or you need a refresher on the kinds of topics we provide, here are some of the regional trainings we've held in the past:
Making the Most of Your Evaluation Team
In this training, we discussed how to expand your evaluation teams and make the most of everyone on the team.
The training also taught participants how to divide tasks among team members, use a GANTT project planning method to coordinate intervention and evaluation activities, and engage every team member!
You can find more resources on working with evaluators on the TCEC website!
Cultural Humility in Evaluation
This was a highly requested topic— it was so popular we added additional trainings and even developed a shorter version for Coalitions! We also went on to share lessons learned from this training at the American Public Health Association (APHA) 2020 Virtual Meeting.
This training, framed around cultural considerations for each stage of the Evaluation Life Cycle, aimed to help our partners adopt an attitude of cultural humility in tobacco prevention and evaluation. Working across many (and intersecting) cultures requires us to be vulnerable, set aside our egos, and engage in self-reflection on our implicit biases, assumptions, and privileges.
Curious about cultural humility? Read more about it here!
Final Evaluation Report Writing
A classic topic for TCEC, our regional training on FER writing covered everything your team needs to consider before, during, and after report writing.
In California tobacco prevention, all primary objectives require a Final Evaluation Report (FER) at the end of the contract period. All non-primary objectives require a Brief Evaluation Report (BER) according to the specifications of Tell Your Story. Reporting can be an overwhelming task, but we have the tools and tips to make it go smoothly!
Want more information about FER writing? Check out this page on the TCEC website!
What do you want to learn?
While these are some examples of TCEC's expertise, we're eager to tailor our 2025 regional trainings to what will best serve our tobacco prevention partners. Reach out to us at tcecTA@phmail.ucdavis.edu or submit a suggestion through our Contact Form and let us know what you'd like to learn from us in the new year!