How FERs are Scored

Evaluation report writing can be an intimidating task, especially when it comes to Final Evaluation Reports (FERs). Our website has many resources that can help with FER writing and hopefully ease some of that anxiety. However, after hearing from evaluators in the field, we wanted to answer some of the questions about how FERs are scored. So grab your favorite beverage, sit back, and read on as we share the process with you.


Every quarter, evaluators have an opportunity to connect with other evaluators in the Tobacco Evaluator Alliance. At the last meeting, some requested additional help on FER writing, so we got together with Yaneth from the Hispanic Coordinating Center to quickly offer a FER Q/A session.  These are the main takeaways from that session and an invitation to join us for the next one.


Reporting in Brief: FAQs about BERs

As we head toward the end of the calendar year, we’re approaching the end of the reporting period for local lead agencies. If you haven’t already, it’s time to start writing your Final Evaluation Reports (FERs) and Brief Evaluation Reports (BERs)!

It’s also the time of year when TCEC starts receiving more questions about FERs and BERs, including a big one: What’s the difference?

Mastering FERs together!

by Jorge Andrews

Report writing can be a frustrating endeavor, especially if you have to do it alone. 

To help projects master the Final Evaluation Report (FER), TCEC hosted the first-ever FER Clinic in late April and May 2021. A small and brave cohort of evaluators and project staff convened over Zoom to discuss, collaborate, and improve on their FERs. Eight Local Lead Agencies participated, with attendees ranging from novice to very experienced, representing small and large counties alike.

Just Right: What it takes to write a useful evaluation report

Once upon a time (it seems so long ago in the wake of current events) during the month of FER-bruary, the Tobacco Control Evaluation Center (TCEC) held a series of four webinars that explained what goes into writing a good final evaluation report.  It all comes down to telling an efficient story that has just the right amount of detail.

Resources for Reporting

Reporting is an important part of working in California tobacco control. Every six months progress reports are due, when an activity is done an activity summary report may be needed, and at the end of every funding cycle the final evaluation report is submitted.