
For more information about surveys, please see our page on data collection.

The Evaluators are Listening...

What's the point of giving feedback, anyway? Will my comments actually change anything? 

If you've interacted with the Tobacco Control Evaluation Center at any point, you've undoubtedly received requests for feedback— whether on a training, a webinar, or how satisfied you were with our technical assistance.

Surveys Unite!

Collaboration unites people, ideas, and surveys. Yes. You read that right. Surveys. Mono County’s Tobacco Education Program (TEP) has been working with their Local Oral Health Program to deliver a tobacco cessation survey to dental providers. Their collaboration is just one example of the many that already exist and are forming. I’ve had the privilege of interviewing Lauren Kemmeter, Project Director of Mono County’s TEP.

To get to know more about their collaboration, I wanted to understand who they are first.

Attack of the Bots!

by Andersen Yang & Jorge Andrews

When science fiction imagines how the future might look, these visions often include either helpful robots (like Rosie from The Jetsons), or menacing machines (like the titular character in The Terminator). Either way, the robots of the fictional future are machines that people interact with in the physical world. Coming back to the present, the bots have arrived-- and they are not how we imagined.

Survey Says...

It seems simple at first—ask a question, get an answer. But there’s a lot more that goes into answering a survey question than you might realize.