Tobacco Control Evaluation in California: What You Need to Get Started
Entering the world of California tobacco control evaluation can be overwhelming. Due to decades of hard work, the world of California tobacco control is a vast network of collaborators and partners, with its own set of rules, acronyms and requirements.
But we have good news: Because of this well-established infrastructure, a new evaluator has a plethora of resources and support at their fingertips!
Statewide Technical Assistance Providers
There is plenty of help available, so much help in fact that it can be tricky to know who you contact for what help. Click here for a rundown of statewide technical assistance providers that are here to help! (Requires a Rover Password)
What is the Tobacco Control Evaluation Center (TCEC)?
For California Tobacco Control Program (CTCP)-funded agencies, TCEC provides a range of technical assistance on program evaluation, including in-person and distance training sessions and individualized consultation via telephone and e-mail. This means we can help you with anything evaluation, from understanding your evaluation work plan, to helping you with instrument development, to providing guidance during analysis and reporting. Contact us any time at tcecTA@phmail.ucdavis.edu!
What is the Tobacco Evaluator Alliance (TEA)?
The Tobacco Evaluator Alliance (TEA) is a community of practice for California Tobacco Control Program (CTCP)-funded evaluators. TEA is a forum for evaluators, facilitated by evaluators, to promote communication, share resources, and troubleshoot real issues in the field. TEA has quarterly meetings held on the 4th Wednesday of February, May, August and the 3rd Wednesday of November. See TEA's webpage for more information.
Partners is a CTCP-hosted site that has updates, resources, and directories of all things related to CTCP-funded tobacco control work. If you do not have access to Partners, contact your Project Director.
Online Tobacco Information System (OTIS)
Just about everything you need to know about your tobacco control program can be found in OTIS. This is where your current work plan and related documents can be found. This is also where you will submit reports.
Helpful TCEC resources to get started
The world of California tobacco evaluation can feel like it has its own language. Check out TCEC's Glossary of Terms as well as our Evaluation and Intervention Pairings.
Sometimes it can be tricky to understand what everyone’s roles and responsibilities are. Take a look at our Working with Evaluators resource page for more information!
Need help developing a data collection instrument? Click here for our instrument database! We maintain this database of instruments that have been developed by programs like you. After you find one that is close to what you are looking for, you can modify it to meet the specific needs of your activity and program. TCEC is always happy to take a look at your modified instrument and provide feedback!
The world of California tobacco control evaluation is a vast and sometimes confusing network of players. Still, within this network you have a community to help you do your very best work. Welcome!