Evaluation Planning

How'd We Do That?

Once an intervention or evaluation activity is over, it can be important for those involved (project staff and volunteers) to reflect on what happened and discuss what worked, where there is room for improvement, and what any next steps should be. (See documenting organizational history.) Depending on how complex the activity was, this process could be fairly quick – anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour or two.

Tobacco Control Evaluation in California: What You Need to Get Started

Entering the world of California tobacco control evaluation can be overwhelming. Due to decades of hard work, the world of California tobacco control is a vast network of collaborators and partners, with its own set of rules, acronyms and requirements.

But we have good news: Because of this well-established infrastructure, a new evaluator has a plethora of resources and support at their fingertips!

Hey LLAs: Get Ready to Jump into 2022!

If you’re reading this in between your marathon of writing FERs and BERs: Keep it up!  You got this! 

If you’re reading this after you’ve come up for air from sending off all the reports: Congrats!  You deserve a breather from this whirlwind of a contract!

Hey Competitive Grantees: Get Ready to Jump into 2022!

I still cannot believe we’re at the end of another year, yet here we are!  Thank you for all the amazing effort and progress you’ve all made despite this unusual year (and more!)  2022 is just weeks away, and with that comes another year and new opportunities to put your evaluation efforts to good use.  Here are a few ways to jump into 2022 with an evaluation focus.